I have learned a lot of valuable information about myself this quarter. I feel that this class has helped me gain knowledge about myself as an artist, and it has helped me to learn more about myself, as a person. I have gained a high sense of comfort with the class as a whole, which I find rare in a lot of my personal social situations/interactions; and I am somewhat disappointed in myself for not “opening-up” to others sooner. I have learned that my artwork is very much like a look into my life. I seem to create things that reflect what I am constantly thinking about from day to day.
Taking my fourth and final German class this quarter, I also felt I was quite inspired to learn more about German artists and their culture as a whole. My grandfather was a an amazing person, and one of the only people in my life, who really listened to me. I often find myself comparing myself to him, and trying to emulate him, because I feel that I am lacking qualities that my Opa valued (leadership, hard-worker, communication). I have learned recently about German artists such as Gregor Schneider, Gerhard Richter, and Anselm Kiefer, and did a research report on them for my German class. I was quite intrigued at how much their works were related ( themes, aesthetic, etc.), I also found it interesting that they seemed to find interest in somewhat plain things. I have noticed nearly my whole life, that I believe in Richter’s idea of “ die Schonheit der Normal,” or “the beauty of the ordinary.”
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