
Mar 14, 2010


My recent works are greatly influenced by Jungian psychology and its relation to spiritual mysticism. Throughout the past few months, I've been less restrictive on my of stream of consciousness, and I've been drawing a lot from Breton's model of surrealistic living. I've been doing automatic writings and automatic drawings. This very writing was done in such a manner. I've been exploring the removal of structured thought, and even structured living. Much of the work I've created is a direct result of these explorations. By subverting the logical, rational, conscious mind, I'm letting the contents of my subconsciousness spill out into view. It is thought that there is a greater connectivity to the deeper levels of consciousness among people, and also among nature. This collective unconsciousness works through synchronicity allow for greater, deeper connections to be made with the natural environment, with one's self, and with other people. Some of the images I've created are portions from dreams, others are impromptu drawings. By using these methods applied to art making, I've found it easier to say many things at once in a piece in a very simple way. It also seems that my work is affecting a viewer in ways that I would like it to. The images given are representative of some of my greatest influences at this point in time.

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